8:15 AM & 11:15 AM (also available via Livestreaming)  Traditional Worship - in the Sanctuary;  
9:45 AM Contemporary Worship - in Kobler Hall (also available via Livestreaming)
Nursery, for 4 and under available during the 8:15 & 9:45 AM services 

 Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM-3:30 PM, and Friday, 9:30 AM-12:30 PM.
(If the Charlotte St. door is locked please ring the black  "AIPHONE" doorbell )
or call our Congregational Care line at (540) 388-0012 

Food Pantry Hours - Tuesday & Thursday 2:00 - 4:00 PM, Saturday 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 

Main Office (540) 373-9021

SEEK others in our community - SERVE their needs
GROW in the love of Christ - CONNECT with each other.

(FUMC is a 
Bridge Churc
h of the VA Conference of the UMC- Mission Rivers District)


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