It feels like SUNDAY again!

07.18.19 | Stories | by Fredericksburg UMC Member

    Early last year the Better Health Ministry, under the leadership of Mary Pasternak, began a program called CHATi which stands for “Connecting Hearts Across the Internet”.  The church purchased some inexpensive iPads to provide to church members that are unable to attend Worship, Sunday School, and other activities.  Through the Facetime application (voice and video) on iPads and iPhones these individuals can participate in the life of Fredericksburg UMC.

    Since the beginning, a number of our members have been provided iPads with this technology. 

    The iPad ministry is truly God-sent.  For the past six years I’ve been unable to attend services at FUMC.  It has left a void in my very soul.  Now that Mary (& FUMC) has been able to provide me with an iPad and successfully train me how to use it, I can attend The Wayfarers Class and the 11 a.m. service in real time!  I get to interact with my classmates and listen to their discussions as well as participate in worship.  It feels like Sunday Again!  My week begins on the “right” foot..  Thanks to Mary for listening to God’s nudging’s and going to FUMC’s Board with the idea.  Thank you to FUMC for following through.

    This program is also a blessing for the rest of us as we can stay in touch with those we’ve loved for so long.