Feb 18, 2024 | Tim Tate

Step 1 - Naming & Owning Harm

Lent began on Wednesday with the imposition of ashes and the invitation for us each to keep a Holy Lent, be a bit more disciplined in our faith, and seek to connect with Christ as we journey toward the Cross and Tomb of Holy Week. These forty days (plus Sundays) can be some of the most powerful, challenging, and rewarding seasons of the year, because they invite us to examine our hearts, lives, and faith. I hope that we will all use this season to submit ourselves to Christ.

Throughout the season of Lent, our sermons will be reflecting upon what it means to repent, based on a book by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg entitled "On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World." ( https://www.onrepentance.com ). Rabbi Ruttenberg lays out a five-step path of repentance, rooted in the teachings of the 12th Century philosopher, physician, and rabbi of Jewish law, Maimonides. Thought is it rooted in Judaism, the concepts and process is applicable in all places, but especially for those of the Abrahamic faiths.

The five steps in this order are:  ( https://marcisharif.com/2023/01/12/5-steps-to-repentance-how-right-your-wrongs-and-start-the-new-year-strong/ )

  1. Naming and Owning the harm
  2. Beginning to Change
  3. Restitution and Accepting Consequences
  4. Apologizing and Making Different Choices
  5. Living into those Choices as a Transformed Person

Each week we will be learning about one of these steps, all along the way seeking to repent of our own mistakes and seeking forgiveness from Christ and others, which is the focus of Lent. Transformation by God into who God invites us to become. Put another way, letting some things die in us so we might live more fully.

This week we will focus on #1 above, but it is also Upward Basketball Sunday, where we celebrate this wonderful ministry to and for our kids and families. I am excited for Sunday, and I look forward to sharing this sermon series, hoping we all will engage in sharing together this journey of Lenten repentance.


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