Oct 07, 2018 | Rev. Gina Anderson-Cloud

Poor: Spoon vs. Ladle

 1. Ask God to help you become poor in spirit and take on the mindset of a servant. Ask Him to guide you in ways you can serve others. Ask God to help you pay attention to the needs around you this week and to help you see those who are in difficult situations as people loved by Him. Imagine their stories.  Pray that God will reveal ways that you can help with more than just money (time, encouragement, friendship, prayer). “Humble me in your sight. Every day I walk by those who may need me. Open my eyes to them this week. Help me walk in their shoes, and soften my heart to love them."

2. Give God thanks for people and opportunities He brings your way. Ask Him to help you grow in your love for all people regardless of their circumstances and to help you look for the blessings they bring to your own life.

“Thank you Lord for all those you bring into my life. May I love them and see them through your eyes.”

 Memorize 2 Corinthians 8:8-9

This is one way to prove your love is real.  You know how full of love and kindness our Lord Jesus Christ was.  Though he was very rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.

 Sermon notes provided from Living Generously congregational resources.


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Series Information

In this series, you will see a family take risks, experience suffering, doubt and joy while we reflect upon biblical precepts of "giving God our best." Moreover, you will see what happens when the family chooses to embrace a generous life in the midst of uncertainty.  Like them, you will be invited into a transformational process concluding with our church-wide pledging for 2019 church ministry support in worship Saturday/Sunday on October 20-21, 2018.