Nov 03, 2019 | Rev. Gina Anderson-Cloud

Standing in Holy Places

On All Saints Sunday, we remember and celebrate the depth and breadth of Christians— that is, the saints. We are accustomed to hearing certain people labeled as saints—any of the Gospel writers, for instance, or the 12 disciples or church fathers and mothers who have done amazing things for the kingdom of God. On this Sunday, we rightly remember and honor those people. However, the day is about more than that. It is about remembering we are part of a “great cloud of witnesses.” That cloud is actually bigger
than you might think. 

Whenever you hear about the “great cloud of witnesses” (Hebrews 12), do you think about “faith heroes” of the past, like C.S. Lewis, John Wesley, or Mother Teresa? Do you think about  contemporary Christian icons? Or do you remember the faithfulness of Old Testament figures like Moses, Abraham and Sarah? Your answer, as a Christian, ought to be “all of the above,” for all these are part of your lineage. 

All Saints Sunday reminds us that Christians who came before us ran the race well. Today, Christians also have the opportunity to remember living Christians around the world, living faithful lives. The depth of Christian saints ought to make any believer thankful. Many saints have walked the road of faith before us, stood in holy places, and their stumbles, joys and hard-fought victories give us both hope and encouragement for our journey onward and ultimately home.

Adapted from” Why All Saints Day Matters” by Ryan Hamm, RELEVANT Magazine

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