03.24.25 | by Anna Billingsley
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.
- Proverbs 16:24
As a wordsmith, the written word holds a great deal of power for me.
In our fast-paced technological world, thoughtful writing is often overlooked. We dash off quick (often grammatically incorrect!) texts, briefly post our feelings and experiences on social media, or jot musings on the note pages on our phones.
How often do we take the time to pull out stationery or sit down at our laptops and express our innermost thoughts and feelings to others? I suggest this can be an uplifting exercise for not only the recipient but also the writer. You haven’t touched base with an acquaintance for a while, but the individual has been on your mind. Let the person know! Someone is celebrating a special occasion – birthday, anniversary, retirement – and you want to celebrate them. Send a card! A friend is sick or has lost a loved one. Convey your condolences.
Suppose you are thankful for a person's impact on your life – a teacher, a pastor, a mentor, a colleague, a neighbor. Make sure you express your gratitude.
Don’t put this off! You never know when your thoughtfulness may sweeten someone’s soul or heal their bones.