

Fredericksburg UMC knows the power of prayer and prays for those in need both individually and in groups.  Each week, some in our congregation and community make their prayer needs known and request we pray with and for them. 
Pastoral Care is another way we care for each other. We have a Care Line available 24/7, so you can call and leave a message if you prefer to reach out in that manner.   The number is (540) 388-0012.

Current Prayer List

Do you need Prayer?

Fredericksburg UMC is a caring community of people who love God and all those made in God’s image. We seek to share the love of Jesus Christ through spiritual, emotional, and physical support.
Fill out the confidential form if you would like to send a prayer request or private message online and click “send”. It will be received by a member of the pastoral staff and you will receive a response if you request it.  

Prayer Request Form

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Follow Up

Upon submission you will see a thank you confirmation image on your screen. 

If you do not see the confirmation screen, scroll back up and see if you missed any required fields and submit again.  Thank you.

 Who could benefit from pastoral care?

  • The one wrestling with an overburdened under-balanced life load
  • The one in pain – physical, spiritual, or emotional
  • The one who is lonely and without a support network
  • The grieving
  • The confused
  • The forgotten
  • The one whose family has fallen apart
  • The exploited and abused
  • The one who is lost

    He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us. – 2 Cor. 1:4