Connect Ministries

Connect with each other.

The Connect Ministry’s Mission

Connecting individuals with each other, and within the Church body is a core value of the United Methodist Church, and the primary objective of the Fredericksburg UMC Connect Team. The Connect Team seeks to connect and unite this congregation in prayer, worship, fellowship, and support ministries.  The Connect Team, with the support of the Congregational Care Ministry, seeks to support the members and friends of our congregation through the coordination of a variety of ministries. Come join us as we serve our church by connecting people with each other and service opportunities.  For more information, please contact Anne Blosser.  We want to help you connect with your ministry match and others within the church.


The vision for the Greeting Ministry at FUMC is to remove every possible obstacle that would keep a guest from experiencing the love of Christ in worship and community. We are looking for servants who would be willing to commit to greeting outside of one of our entrances or in the parking lot or at strategic locations inside the church. Might God be calling you to such a ministry? Are you new to FUMC and looking for a place to connect, give back, and be in service? Then being a greeter might be what God has for you! If you would like to help in the greeting ministry please contact the CONNECT Team - POC Anne Blosser

Sunday morning Coffee Hour

Greet old friends and meet new ones on Sunday mornings in the Gathering Space where coffee and water are served from 9:15 a.m.–11:00 a.m. The coffee hour is provided by different church groups and families each week. We'd love your assistance. Fill out the form above and you will be contacted


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Barnabas Ministry

The Barnabas Ministry is a group of experienced people trained to provide radical hospitality, comfort, and consolation to grieving families at special services like funerals, individual memorial services, Longest Night, and hospice-sponsored Services of Remembrance. They are equipped to answer questions, provide directions, and support families and their guests during difficult times. The name Barnabas means “Son of Solace and Consolation” and this is what the Barnabas Ministry embodies. For more information or to inquire about becoming a Barnabas Minister please contact Shirley Cullop.


Prayer Shawl Ministry

This ministry gives the shawl recipients a powerful physical sense of God's care and love wrapped around them.  Knitters and crocheters meet on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 1:30-3:30 pm in Room 236. 
POC: Jennifer Baker 

United Methodist Men

The primary purpose of United Methodist Men is to declare the centrality of Christ in the lives of men and in all their relationships. The Virginia Conference United Methodist Men’s Cabinet works with the local church men’s groups and other district organizations in developing programs to meet the needs and interests of men of all ages. The Fredericksburg UMM is always looking to the men of our congregation for new ways we can serve our church and our community. Through fellowship, learning, and devotion, we strive to become the disciples Christ intended us to be. Join us to make a difference in the lives of our families, our friends, our neighbors, and our community.  The Fredericksburg UMM meets on the second Saturday at 8: 00 am of each month, in the downstairs Fellowship Hall for breakfast, fellowship, service, and spiritual growth.  The UMM is open to all men of Fredericksburg United Methodist Church. Please join us on Saturday morning. For more information please contact, Larry Julihn,  Bob La Chance, or Bob Pickett.


United Women in Faith (previously United Methodist Women)  is an organization that touches many aspects of our church life. We are involved in our church and community, and we support missions around the world. 
 Today nearly half a million women are part of United Women in Faith. 
Here at Fredericksburg United Methodist Church, the women of our unit would love for any and all women interested to join us. 
Current chapter president:  Contact Janine Kuty

UWF Circles
We have two General Meetings a year, a luncheon meeting in October, and a Christmas dinner meeting with the United Methodist Men in December. At these meetings, which are open to all women, our circles come together for food, fellowship, and a program. We also sponsor a women’s retreat in Kobler Hall each spring, open to all women. We have three circles that feature a variety of programs designed to promote spiritual growth, nurturing for the community, highlighting social action issues, and education for mission work. 

To find a circle or learn of UMW activities and events, contact Jillian Levis.

Gladys Cocke Circle
1st Thursday, 10:00 am  Contact Jean Himmell

Mary Ellen Stephenson Circle/ ACTS Circle 
2nd Wednesday  6:30pm 
 Contact Janine Kuty

Wesleyan Circle 
1st Tuesday, 2:00 PM at church  Contact Nancy Swift

Walk to Emmaus

While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and walked with them. - Luke 24:15

The walk to Emmaus is an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with a three-day short course in Christianity. It is an opportunity to meet Jesus Christ in a new way as God’s grace and love is revealed to you through other believers.  Following the three-day experience, participants are encouraged to participate in small groups to support one another in their ongoing walks with Christ.  Through the formational process of accountable discipleship in small groups and participation in the Emmaus community, each participant’s individual gifts and servant-leadership skills are developed for use in the local church and its mission. Participants are encouraged to find ways to live out their individual call to discipleship in their home, church, and community.  The objective of Emmaus is to inspire, challenge, and equip the local church members for Christian action in their homes, churches, communities, and places of work. Emmaus lifts up a way for our grace-filled lives to be lived and shared with others.  If you would like more information or would like to take the Walk to Emmaus, please contact Lynda Swanlund.