Peace with Justice Speaker & Dinner

Peace with Justice Speaker & Dinner
Wednesday, September 20, 2023, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

 Faith, Hope, and Love: A Palestinian Perspective of Living under Occupation

Wednesday, September 21, 5:30 dinner
Followed at 6:30 by a presentation and Q&A

Twenty-five-year-old Adam Manasa has lived his entire life under Israeli military occupation. Adam will describe the daily reality for young people in Palestine, including the situation in his home village of Wadi Foquin (foo-KEEN) located in the Bethlehem district of the West Bank—where multiple land confiscations and property demolition orders threaten the future of the village.

Adam serves as the liaison to the U.S.-based group Friends of Wadi Foquin, organizes a youth leadership team in his village, and is the new coordinator of the Narjis Community Development Project, a UMC Advance Project, about which he will also speak. Friends of Wadi Foquin provides support for community development projects in the village, hosts annual trips to the region, and organizes advocacy on behalf of the village.

This event is part of a Speaker Series organized by the FUMC Peace with Justice Committee whose purpose is to educate, engage, and advocate for change on issues of social and environmental justice.

A halal-friendly pot-luck style dinner will be served at 5:30 PM in partnership with Interfaith Chaplain, Sister Munira, from the Islamic Center here in Fredericksburg. The keynote will begin at 6:30 PM. If you plan to attend, please try to bring a Halal-friendly dish to share (this can be as simple as a veggie or fruit tray, pitas, or hummus) or simply RSVP on the form below. 

Donations will be gratefully accepted in support of the Narjis Community Guest House which Adam Manasra designed for creative use of land in resistance to land confiscation.

  • To donate to Friends of Wadi Foquin ONLINE, follow this link to Berkeley Methodist United Church:  Be sure to select "Friends of Wadi Foquin" in the dropdown menu, and designate "Guest House" in the memo box  ---(otherwise your donation will go to the BMU church operations)

  • To donate by check, please make payable to BMU-FOWF and leave with Adam OR send to Jean Hart, FOWF Treasurer, 730 Tree Top Lane, Auburn, CA 95603.  Indicate "Guest House" in the memo line. 
  • Your contributions are tax-deductible.

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