Joining us on 2nd Saturdays to serve with and through the church, offers a powerful opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our community. Through service, you can...

We hope that you will take a look at all the church has to offer! Contact Us if you have any questions.
Are you a member and are looking for the full facility calendar? Please note that some committee/group meetings, while listed on the calendar are a time placeholder and not necessarily in the stated room. They may be meeting on ZOOM. Please contact the Committee chair or the church office if you are unsure.
Joining us on 2nd Saturdays to serve with and through the church, offers a powerful opportunity to make a meaningful impact in our community. Through service, you can...
This month we're doing something special! UMM will hold the December breakfast meeting on Saturday, December 14th at 8:30 am in The Fellowship Hall downstairs. Breakfast...
MOVING FORWARDFredericksburg United Methodist Church has a monthly support group for members of the church who have experienced the loss of a loved one and are grieving. The...
Join us for a special Parents' Night Out, hosted by FUMC Children's Ministry! We invite PreK (must be potty trained)-5th graders to enjoy a fun-filled evening of games...
Saving Grace: A Guide to Spiritual and Financial Well-being Though many do not like to talk about money, there is a strong connection between spiritual health and financial...
FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! Join us for a light lunch and musical selections sung by a few current Choral Scholars. This is a fundraiser event, to benefit our Choral...