Pray Philippians 4:6 Today, pause to pray for the world, someone else, and yourself.
LENTEN DEVOTION: Philippians 4:6
In addition to Philippians 4:6, I am including the preceding and following verses, also.
Vs. 4: REJOICE in the Lord ALWAYS………..AGAIN I will say, REJOICE.
Lord Jesus, we REJOICE ALWAYS for the salvation you provided for us through your death and resurrection, in the past, which we celebrate ALWAYS, and especially at this time of year. We also REJOICE that you live ALWAYS, now, to INTERCEED for us. (Hebrews 7:25)
Vs. 5: Let your REASONABLENESS be known to EVERYONE.
Lord Jesus, HELP us (by the power of your Holy Spirit) to do just exactly this. It is often a hard assignment to complete.
- Prayer
- Supplication
- With Thanksgiving
…………………..Let your requests be made known unto God.
Sooooo, we PRAY for, we SUPPLICATE for, and we give THANKS (in advance) for:
- The WORLD (where in the “world” do we start?):
- Those who are still outside of the Kingdom of Heaven. The unsaved.
- Those who are persecuted for their love of Christ Jesus. The persecuted church.
- Those who are insnared in horrors of human trafficking. The abused.
- Especially those who have harmed us. We pray BLESSINGS upon them. (Luke 6:28)
- For the many prayers we have carried in our hearts for many years, that cannot be shared with others.
- That OUR light will so shine before men that they may see OUR Good Works and glorify OUR Father, which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Vs. 7: THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for the promise that the PEACE OF GOD, which surpasses ALL understanding, will GUARD our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.