Prayer List

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Week of July 21, 2024
Laura & Tristan 
Prayers for the homeless, those with trauma, and violence. Prayers for the Olympians as they travel and prepare for their events.
Wallace and Norma Roher.
Julia Rizzo's grandparents. He is recovering from a fall but disoriented and she is struggling under the care burden. The family is visiting to help as much as they can.
Derek Dortsch, loss of father and his mother who had a stroke. Derek is one of our Camp Rainbow campers.

Previous requests 
Continued prayers for Bryant (Bubba) Lewis as he continues to go through chemo treatments for retinoblastoma. - Earnesty
Praise & thanks for the recovery of Harry after heart surgery - Bolthouse
Thanks for the recovery of Charles after heart surgery - Bolthouse
The homeless, those with trauma, an end to violence, former President Trump 
Kate Wear 
C. Newton and cancer treatments - Feltner
Daughter of Christina, Lexy, Heart complications and recovery. - Bartlett 
Please pray for the family of Steve Crittenden as he passed away on July 8, 2024.- Vicky Butler

The local homeless & Micah Ministries
Work of our missionary in Tanzania, Fernando Matsimbe, and a new church inside Serengeti National Park that he has planned, that it will carry forth the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ
Children’s and Youth Ministries
The United Methodist Church and the upcoming General Conference 2024

Brian Alexander
Zachary Belcher (Rob and Melissa's son)
Sara Bergazzi
Anne Blosser
Pat Blosser
Joan Buchan
Ellen Coppell and Fred Coppell
Ruth Ernst
Lisabeth Grainger
Doug Green
Wayne Hedge 
Alberta Hickman
Bobby Hill – spina bifida (GA) (Lydia O’Neil’s grandson)
Bob Hinkle
Jackie and Doug Holbrook
Alice Hoover
Bob LaChance
Glenna Lee
Bob Lewandowski and their grandchildren
Rylee Maslock
Ruth McGhee
Jeannette Regan
Steven (Lynda Swanlund's brother)
Don Swanlund
Larry Tubbs
Tabitha Van Doren
Ron Wasem
Max and Dorothy Youmans
Amy Young and Family

All Military and Law Enforcement and First Responders and Essential Workers
Logan Barry - USMC (Karen Foster)
Sr Airman Adam DeWitte – USAF, stationed stateside
Pvt Winter Ewer
Jackson Henderson – USCG (C.M. and Barbara Williams grandson)
Walt Kuck – USS Lassen, (Elizabeth Heflin)
Riley Nefferendorf
Lt. John Phin
Warrant Officer J Seaux
Kyle M. Shiner – US Navy (Leon & Vivien Shiner)
2nd Lt Ted Steber, USMC (Jayne Manger's grandson)
Drew Wilson