Schedule An Event

YOU MUST SUBMIT THIS FORM at LEAST 2 weeks ahead of your scheduled event date.
(failure to do so may result in a non-ability to be scheduled)

If you are scheduling a ZOOM meeting through this form,
then PLEASE schedule a minimum of 3 business days before the meeting.

Scheduling of this event is subject to the Administrative Staff & Facility Manager's approval; you will be notified when you are officially on the facility calendar.
All fundraising events must be approved through the Finance Committee (see HERE).
Please submit as much information and detail as possible.
PLEASE NOTE: This form is used ONLY for facility/room/event use & scheduling.
To have your event/group publicized to the church/community please fill out a COMMUNICATIONS REQUEST FORM

Event Request form

( )   -

Day(s) of the week*

Is the event recurring?*

If recurring, with what frequency?

If recurring, will it be held on Holidays?

Select hour

How much time, prior to the event, do you need for setup?

How much time, after the event, do you need for clean up?

Rooms Requested*

Will the event need any of the following:

( )   -

Key Needed for building access?

Upon submission you will see a thank you confirmation image on your screen. 

If you do not see the confirmation screen, scroll back up and see if you missed any required fields and submit again.  Thank you.