Raising a Generation of World Changers

Sep 25, 2022 | Pastor Chelsea Morse

Blessings we must share

Go deeper into your blessings by posing these questions in your house:
Q1 Have you ever been hungry, like really really hungry? What did you do about it? This gives us time to ponder people around the world who don't have food .
Q2 - Why do you think some people have enough food(or just material things) and some people don't?
Q3- What do you think God wants us to do about it?
Q4 - How do you think you can change the world? What about the church as a whole?
Put your faith into Practice
* Be a secret Santa for a single parent. Shop for age-appropriate toys, clothes, etc. "
Another option would be committing to taking on several Angels from our Angel tree this Christmas season. 
* Read" The Giving Tree"  by Shel Silverstein with your family and talk about the principles this fun book shares with the Bible. 
* Host an Acts of Kindness day with friends and deliver baked goods to hospitals, police, and fire stations. 

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