Raising a Generation of World Changers
Oct 02, 2022 | Jerry Mills
Teaching the sacrificial way
Start world-changing conversations at home ..
Q1 - Do you think God puts us in a place for a reason? like in a certain class at school, or a neighborhood? God has a plan for each and every person, and everyone had a different plan and life!
Q2 - When life is hard and we are struggling, do you think God knows and cares? Why do you think he lets us go through hard things? He takes those hard things and turns them into good, for his glory! AMEN!
Put into practice:
- Make stone soup with friends or neighbors! Based on the old folklore, you can create a meal for all those to enjoy based on one ingredient they all bring! Enjoy the time together.
- Teens (or anyone can) love clothes! Talk about the idea of giving two things away for every new item they add to their closet.
- Get your family out of their comfort zone on a regular basis. Whether it is through travel or trying new things, getting out of our comfort zone changes our perspective and helps us to see others instead of only ourselves.
Like Pastor Chelsea spoke of last week "where our treasure is, our heart will be also"!
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