Raising a Generation of World Changers
Sep 18, 2022 | Ohhwan Kim
Teachings we must share
Go deeper with the message - Start world-changing conversations right at home!
Q1 - What do you think being a world changer means? ...... what small acts of kindness and tangible ways can you implement?
Q2 - Do you think God puts us in certain places for specific reasons? God uses small moments and places for His glory!
Q3 - How do you think you (and/or your kids) can "give your life away"? In what ways do you think God can use you to further his kingdom!?
Q4 - Do you have any advice for others who are tempted to let the world change them? The world's idea of the easier way out isn't always in our best interest. Let a God who loves you guides your life and not the world.
Put into Practice
-play the "what do we have extra?" game. Read Luke 12:13-21 together.
-Pick a project. Have a family fundraiser (bake sale, garage sale, hot chocolate stand) and raise money to give away.
Series Information