Raising a Generation of World Changers
Sep 25, 2022 | Pastor Chelsea Morse
Blessings we must share
Go deeper into your blessings by posing these questions in your house:
Q1 Have you ever been hungry, like really really hungry? What did you do about it? This gives us time to ponder people around the world who don't have food .
Q2 - Why do you think some people have enough food(or just material things) and some people don't?
Q3- What do you think God wants us to do about it?
Q4 - How do you think you can change the world? What about the church as a whole?
Put your faith into Practice
* Be a secret Santa for a single parent. Shop for age-appropriate toys, clothes, etc. "
Another option would be committing to taking on several Angels from our Angel tree this Christmas season.
* Read" The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein with your family and talk about the principles this fun book shares with the Bible.
* Host an Acts of Kindness day with friends and deliver baked goods to hospitals, police, and fire stations.
Q1 Have you ever been hungry, like really really hungry? What did you do about it? This gives us time to ponder people around the world who don't have food .
Q2 - Why do you think some people have enough food(or just material things) and some people don't?
Q3- What do you think God wants us to do about it?
Q4 - How do you think you can change the world? What about the church as a whole?
Put your faith into Practice
* Be a secret Santa for a single parent. Shop for age-appropriate toys, clothes, etc. "
Another option would be committing to taking on several Angels from our Angel tree this Christmas season.
* Read" The Giving Tree" by Shel Silverstein with your family and talk about the principles this fun book shares with the Bible.
* Host an Acts of Kindness day with friends and deliver baked goods to hospitals, police, and fire stations.
Series Information