
Current Series

Gifted By God

Put Down Worry
Occasionally, an "ear worm" (song) gets stuck in my head, and it goes like this. "Whistling a catchy tune, a verse, then "Don't happy, don't worry be happy now..." You can thank me now for putting that ear worm in YOUR head in...
The Weight we Carry
Today we launched our “SUMMER BAGGAGE” sermon series. This week’s sermon title, “The Weight We Carry” will focus on the spiritual weight that we carry with us and how it is important to let go of those things...
He Reigns
Have you ever found yourself in a time of being “in between”? In between one school year to the next? Waiting for an impending move or birth or death? Waiting in that space for the not yet of an anticipated...
What Shall We do?
Throughout our lives, we find ourselves experiencing shifts and changes. Some changes are good and some are bad, but all of them can increase stress, spur questions, and cause angst, even grief, because though change is inevitable, they can...
Youth Sunday 2024 "Spiritual Gifts"
Youth Sunday is a joy, and we are excited to have our youth lead us in worship centered around the theme of "Spiritual Gifts." Under the leadership of David Carryer, God has led our youth to put together a worship experience where they will...
Grace & Salvation
This week as we continue our series on understanding our roots as a Wesleyan tradition, we will focus on what it really means to understand Grace and Salvation. By doing this, we look at the gospel of John 3:11-21. Included in this pericope, is...
Scripture and Humanity
This message examines how John Calvin and John Wesley viewed and understood the purpose and interpretation of scripture, as well as the role of humanity in living out the faith. John Calvin lived by the phrase "sola scriptura," (solely...

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