
Current Series

No Them, Just Us

A Soul Care plan for any family
Going deeper with Soul CareQuestions to ask yourself or at homeQ1: Why is rest important? If we have not devoted quality time to rest and sleep then our battery is dead. If our battery is dead then we're useless to ourselves, our family, and the...
Teaching the sacrificial way
Start world-changing conversations at home .. Q1 - Do you think God puts us in a place for a reason? like in a certain class at school, or a neighborhood? God has a plan for each and every person, and everyone had a different plan and...
Blessings we must share
Go deeper into your blessings by posing these questions in your house:Q1 Have you ever been hungry, like really really hungry? What did you do about it? This gives us time to ponder people around the world who don't have food .Q2 - Why do you...
Teachings we must share
Go deeper with the message - Start world-changing conversations right at home!Q1 - What do you think being a world changer means?  ...... what small acts of kindness and tangible ways can you implement?Q2 - Do you think God puts us in...
Tools for the Journey
Rev. Elizabeth Snader is the University of Mary Washington's Campus Christian Community - Campus Minister Pastor Snader is a commissioned deacon in the United Methodist Church who has a passion for helping others develop and deepen their...

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