Apr 29, 2018 | Rev. Larry Davies

Do Something!

Catherine Marshall: “You have set goals for yourselves but I don’t think you have set them high enough. I think you should take those goals and expand them. Think of the most you could do with your lives. Make what you do matter. Above all, dream big.” 

 Dreaming big has nothing to do with stress or work habits. Here is the question: “Do you believe God can do big things through you and our church? Are you seeking to fulfill God’s purpose?”

 In addition to what we've learned already about digging deep and listening to your heart’s desire, pulling the tooth and getting rid of the negatives, playing the movie and thinking more seriously about how the present impacts our future, we need to do something else.

 We need to call on ourselves as the first source to correct difficult situations. We can ask: What can I do, to make things better? The answer could be any number of things but whatever the answer, it's time to "Do Something!"

 Question: "Are you driving your life, or are you just along for the ride?"

 For the next sixty or so days until July 1, I challenge you to join me in dreaming big and ask God every day: "Oh, that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my territory that Your hand would be with me and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!”

 Here is what I predict:

You will have your life and purpose stretched far beyond what you ever imagined.

Some of you will make radical life changing decisions over the next few months.

Most of you will see a clear example of God working within your daily life.

Our church will become more of a leader and an example within our community.

Our church will take on at least one new special project through God’s leading.

Our church will also grow as we continue to make a difference for God.

 Will you join me in “dreaming big” and take the “Prayer of Jabez” sixty-day challenge?

 ________________________ Signed


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